Attitudes towards childcare practices in rural and urban.
caregivers with high rates of multidimensional poverty
This study examined the relationship between poverty and attitudes toward childcare practices in
Colombia. While no direct relationship was found, poorer urban areas showed less positive attitudes,
especially in cognitive, sleep, and health care. The study underscores the need to consider
socioeconomic and geographical factors in childcare practices.
Romero Royert, D., Amar, J. J., González, L., Romero Orozco, D., & Aragón, J. (2023). Attitudes
towards childcare practices in rural and urban caregivers with high rates of multidimensional poverty:
Actitudes hacia las prácticas de cuidado infantil en cuidadores rurales y urbanos con altos índices de
pobreza. Psicogente, 26(50).